Family Meals & General Observations:

For family consumption there is just at present, a vogue for the combination dinner, the main dish of which may be anything from a one-pot recipe to an oven or grill colleciton including meat, green and starch vegetables and dessert all cooked at the same time, over the one heat unit, and served as a unit, too. Whether the tendency is due to a cultivated taste for blended flavors than to the modern cry for speed and 'efficiency' is hard to determine. But every thougthful home-maker is able to set several reasons for this intimate service which not only brings variation to home tables, but more than cuts in half the serving and washing dishes. Among the meals are such selections as noodles, cooked first, drained an baked with tomato sauce, mushrooms and strips of bacon. This combination goes to the table in its pretty glass or porcelain baking dish garnished with parsley. With it is served a simple salad, and for dessert a hot and sugary baked pear or apple with cream. A second one-pot dinner is the veal or lamb pie, cooked with all sorts of vegetables and a top crust of biscuit dough, lightly browned. These pies can be made very dainty served in individual ramekins or small deep-dish pie plates. So far as nicety goes, we are not as they say, getting back to first principles of the caveman. For today's one-dish dinners are managed with much neatness and an appetizing flair. But in simplicity and the wholesome ingredients coook in their blended habit of letting various juices the modern adapatation has all the good points of its early ancestors."
---"Food Fashions," Daily Record [Morris County NJ], November 23, 1931 (p. 9)